We provide Independent Financial Advice for Pensions, Mortgages and Investments; based in Abbotskerswell near Newton Abbot, Devon.

Professional and Independent Financial Advisers to new and existing businesses and clients throughout the country.

At Active Financial Advisers we believe that making plans to provide for and to protect your family has never been more important. We also know that the choices available can seem complex and even bewildering.

How We Can Help You

We provide independent financial advice to enable our clients to meet their own financial objectives. We do this by providing advice across a broad range of financial products and Insurers whether it is Pensions, Investments, Critical Illness or Protection. Further details about the services we offer to individuals can be found here.

For larger businesses we have contacts with Venture Capital Trusts that are actively seeking investment opportunities. We also have contacts with a number of commercial finance providers: Corporate Services section.

We can also help you with your Mortgage and General Insurance needs.

We pride ourselves in our friendly and professional service.

Make an Appointment

Should you decide you need help please do not hesitate to contact us. We recognise that your time is precious and can meet with you at a time and place of your convenience.

“The value of your investment (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get

back the full amount you invested.

Your home maybe repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

Venture Capital Trusts are complex structures and are generally considered higher risk, not suitable for the

majority of standard consumers”

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